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The Creative Storyteller, Issue #004 -- CELEBRATORY EVENTS
February 06, 2005
Hello there,



In the first two issues, we discussed the value of targeting specific venues in order to obtain work – schools, libraries, country parks etc. it is also worthwhile checking out the calendar for forthcoming national and international celebratory events.

Here in the UK, as I write these notes it is "National Storytelling Week" (31st. January to February 5th.). March 3rd. is “World Book Day”. This current year (2005) sees the worldwide celebration of the Hans Christian Andersen Bicentenary (April 2nd. until December 6th.) and the bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar is celebrated on October 21st. Because of the last mentioned, 2005 has been designated “Year of the Sea” in England.

July 16th. 2005 sees the launch of the latest Harry Potter book and I have already been asked about my availability for a bookshop promotion. I was similarly involved at the last one.

Almost every week of every year some group or society is celebrating or commemorating something, somewhere in the world and this fact presents opportunities for storytellers to create irresistible presentations to the organisers of these events.

Some of them are annual events, enabling you to prepare in advance for each year. All of the above are very high profile, major national or international activities. But there are also smaller events taking place each year in many cities, towns and even villages. Last December I was invited to participate in a three day “Dickensian Christmas Festival in a relatively small town in Cumbria. They do this every year and I have already been asked if I am available for the 2005 event.

So look around, read the papers and keep yourself well informed about what is happening in the world around you. Contact your local Tourist Information Centre. They always have lots of free leaflets and booklets that carry details of forthcoming events. You are sure to find an event for which you can create a suitable presentation.


Your response would be welcome!
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